Whilst we were in a lecture, we got set to choose 12 inspirational influences.. 6 creative, 6 personal.
Choosing the 6 images for each for myself, was tough - Its not something you I could get wrong but finding 12 things that have got me to where I am was a tough one, I have so far only got 4 of each BUT I am planning on adding more throughout the year.


Vivian Maier - I found her through researching street photographers and saw an article in The Sunday Times Magazine, I found her life and the work she has done inspiring and wanted to make my work on par/relatable to hers. She was a street photographer in her spare time but occupation was a nanny. Her work was found in late 2007. She photographed life in the 50s through to before she died in 2009 and had a collection of 100,000 negatives of her own film. Her work has a delicate and bold feeling that has the quirk of the era it was taken and this is shown throughout all the work I have looked at.

Pablo Picasso - Through A Level art we did a large project which went through all of Picasso's Periods and timeline of his life. Although not all of his work is what I like, looking at it in the Tate Liverpool and Modern gave me a new outlook on the simplicity of his work that has such an impact and the changes and additions that he created through the different periods and years to make each piece have such a significant feel. I also developed a soft spot for him, like most people on my course.

Jasper Johns - I also discovered his art whilst studying A Level art. In one of my projects he inspired me to loosen up with the way I was working, without looking at his art, my artwork wouldn't have turned out the way it did. His work is also quite graphic and I felt that it was a good piece to look at since I feel that graphics is the route I want to go down.

Dr. Seuss -  A different type of creative source. I chose Dr. Seuss as not only someone that got my interested in a more creative way of learning since I was little. I found and still find the illustrations and stories something that I could use in current work or relate and use influences of the fluidity and quirky charm each character and book has.


John Peel - My family often go on road trips around europe and the UK to visit a new city or to visit friends and family. Through-out the years my mum & dads music choices which first started out as the most embarrasing and uncool thing ever have grown on myself and my sister. Fabric Live John Peel of all his favorite songs and just a good mix of music which reminds me of the fun we had traveling everywhere to a random mix of music.

Friends - In the photo (L-R) Robyn, Myself & Olivia. Without friends I don't think life would be as good as it is, friends are always there to pick you up or have the best summer with. This photo was taken on a night out from our 2 week work experience we had done this summer. It was the best 2 weeks and our friendship is amazing and although we are all going to different places, this helps us share our ideas and develop our work further!

Fernando Torres - Spanish Footballer, who currently plays for Chelsea (booo) Throughout college myself and Robyn fell further in love with him and playing for Liverpool and the World cup. Even though he hasn't changed my life personally, the bonds I have made with people over Torres and the friendships that have grown because of having a sport in common is something that has changed and helped me adapt to new people over the last few years.

Music - I find that different years of my life I remember with a certain song or band, this year has definatly been filled with Two Door Cinema Club, I find their music relatable and something that I can listen too after a long day and busy train journey or on a walk and it also reminds me of the times past and how much I have done this year and its a pleasing feeling.

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