Whilst researching and looking for ideas, I had a hot chocolate break. I brought the cup back to my studio space and spilt the drink down the side of the cup onto the desk, which left the ring mark from the bottom of the cup onto the desk.  This initially was a disaster because I had paid good money for the drink, but as I moved the cup, I found the ring that had been left behind from the bottom of the cup. 

I know this is all pretty grim and really weird, but whatever. I found that the ring that was left behind was a unique mark that was recognizable and a variable thickness, messiness and size due to the mug and how the spill happened, be it tipped out, placed in a wet area then moved, or spilt over the edge after ferocious stirring. This then set off the idea in my head of using the rings that are left behind to create a piece of work that is related to trash, as it is the mess left behind that creates the impact and its such a recognisable symbol as most people use cups or mugs to drink from on an average day, although the liquid in the cups varies making my idea spin wider, into wine, coffee, tea, hot chocolate, orange juice, ribena - then into condiments... e.g. gravy, mint sauce. Its envitable not to spill something, and often the ring from the base of a plate or glass is left behind.. 

I cleaned up the wetness from the hot chocolate spill, to find the already layered and set hot chocolate stubborn stain remained, it left a grainy effect that I liked.

My friend who had a coffee the stain was completely different to the one my drink left, which added to my whole idea of different liquids and preloved/abandoned idea as the remains of something that was loved whilst it was there.. 

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