We have been giving a new brief 'trash art' we are going to be looking at artists who use rubbish or the context of something that is used or seen as rubbish to create a piece of art. 
I have been researching some artists and coming up with my initial ideas, using mind maps as a helpful tool to focus my ideas and help branch off to create a plan of something I could make/design. 

I found these artists and designers by searching in google 'artists who use rubbish' as it was my first lot of research into finding artists and designers who could inspire me into my own ideas. The artists I have found are a varied bunch, but I still have to sort through and pick the ones who inspire me the most as this is the most important. 

My initial ideas mind map. I have gone down the literal route with the rubbish, I am thinking currently of  going down the pre-owned/abandoned item route. As most things people use can be reused and the purpose changed, also the vintage scene is quite large at the moment which is another tangent. Also with the coffee cups, plastic & glass bottles are normally discarded and they all range in size which could make for an interesting concept as each item is specifically designed for the brand and has the logo or slogan branded on it.  

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