For My Ideas I have decided to use the Milton Glaser I Heart NY image as a base line to follow, as I have done some research and found that the outline is such a well known image most places around the world have adopted the style for postcards and Manchester has recently done a Campaign I Heart MCR after the riots. 
Although my idea is somewhat different as I am not going to create additions to the Heart using different hand gestures to create different 'slogans' and 'meanings' but still a recognisable and linkable image that relates back to the I Heart NY. 

I chose to create a similar design to the I Heart NY as I wanted to create a base image that I can use as a bridge to link back to the original piece but using my own ideas. I have decided that I am going to use different common phrases that I use as the word underneath the I Heart or the other designs I have made, I chose to present the OMG version as this is one of my common phrases and everybody knows that OMG is Oh My God, making it another recognisable sign and its become quite iconic.

These are my other ideas, I have decided to use hand gestures as I have found that I use my hands alot to describe emotions or use common gestures both polite and rude, I also think that because most people use there hands to make gestures everyday I feel that they are a good symbol to recreate into a poster that has a clear message as most know that thumbs up is positive and thumbs down is a negative. 
I have still yet to find the perfect slogans to go with each image.

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