I have found that most adverts and brands have a well known phrase that we can link with the brand and know what it is from just hearing the words. Most ads have at least 3 words within their phrase and are catchy whether it is with a song or an animated character - I have done some research and here are some of the phrases that I can remember. 

The part in white is the slogan e.g. "'ch, ch, ch, ch, Charmin" and the black part is the brand. This is only a section of the slogans I have found, although this isn't my main focus so I have only included a small bit of the work.  I found that most of the most commonly known phrases have a jingle or a tune that flows with the words/brand e.g. I'm Lovin' It, has the whistle as the person says the slogan.

I have found that carrying my pad with me all day and writing in the phrases that I say constantly was quite amusing as I don't realise I say certain phrases that much.. I think that collecting all my sayings will be a massive help to my project as now I have a large amount of words that I can choose to go with my gestures and hearts to create my final piece that will be relatable to most people and be a relatable image that can be easily linked to Milton Glasers piece. 

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