I've been cray cray busy with uni work and the odd bit of skiing, blogging has just had to take the high road for a while. 
The ring project is on its last week. I am excited for it too end now. 4 weeks of circles, coffee and the stench of gravy browning.  
The last two weeks have called for experimenting with shapes, textures and visual patterns I can create that relate both to the graphic side and the natural formation. Juggling the idea of the faux coffee ring has been a little controversial at the least, especially when Rachel Whitehead lOndOn 2O11 poster was shown.. I was so cross clearly she is an avid reader of this blog and sneaks into the studio whilst I am slaving at home! 

Creating the ring pattern for one of my experiments, safe to say I got V cocky with it. ah well. It gives it a 'fluid motion that helps break up the intense pattern' 

I hang up all my sheets opposite my bed, that way I can see the improvements to be made and see the progression that has taken place. I am glad I chose to do a range of different samples. Its deffo helped me find my final idea in the colour and how I am gonna produce it. 

The traced 'faux natural' rings. I love them.

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