Developing my work, I decided to take close up photos of the 'brewing up week one' so I would be able to see the rings and the details on a larger and clearer scale so I can use them to develop and change my work into a final piece. 

I traced round some of the rings after I had taken the pictures, I then decided to copy them onto a large sheet of paper, using just a biro. 

I really like the fluid movement in the lines and the gentle effect the biro has made. I think it is still viable that it is coffee cup marks and still could work as a final piece design. Although I decided to colour some of the rings in. 

I prefer the coloured in black rings to the outlined ones although the marks are quite thick. I think the full black one look more eye catching and different. 
Although I do still like the plain lines as I think it creates a delicate quality to something that was once a mess and disregarded marks. 

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