Through-out the process of making the Brewing up sheet I decided that I was going to experiment with different liquids to create new rings and different marks. 
I decided that I would create one sheet using ink, and another using Ribena & water. 

The first ink image, works well I think as it is quite bold and stands out but is still quite visiable with knowing what it is showing with the rings and works with the paper. I also think that as areas that haven't had as much ink works well because it creates the faded effect which is what happens when coffee or other drinks are spilled. I also ended up adding some ribena rings to see what happened and to add a contrast the black and white.
The second sheet which I used ribena. I found that the circles that were created were good and did what they were meant to and faded away in certain parts although I wanted to add a little more edge and decided that dribbling water down the page would give a different effect and hoped that the ribena would run. The effect that I got in the end, I really like and think it works well as quite an abstract piece, although the sheet is SO sticky! 

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