Whilst being off for christmas its been pretty non-stop. I finished uni on the 15th December and the 16th (friday) I was off to the alps for a little bit of skiing with the snow-sports team.. oh the hard life. 
It was such a good time, I love the environment that is a so tranquil and picturesque totally different from being stuck at home in Manchester! Being there I decided to make a video of the time so I could add it too my reflective journal work for uni.. I didn't realise how much fun I would have filming it or bringing the people that are in it together.

(better quality -
Although short and sweet and the majority of the footage is of myself and my friend ellie falling in the snow, it was an experience and holiday I shall never forget and have to hope the chill factore lives up to Risoul, Of course it was the most teetotal holiday of my life also.

Best skiing holiday yet, although I was so tired and just got a lovely chest infection.. too much fresh air.

I've also started re-putting my portfolio together again, for the uni interviews I have in 2012.
I'm finding it ever so hard to choose and how I should now present my work. I have a love hate relationship with mount board I think in a portfolio its going to highlight the work that I personally think is the best and thats not always the case of course I love all the work that is going into my portfolio.. but some of the piece are from my end of year show at college and had to present on mount board to give our work more of a 'professional feel'..
However I am persevering, and making everything look beautiful or even more beautiful than the beauty it had before.

Through the christmas break I have a reflective journal that has to be handed in when we get back to uni.. I am really enjoying putting and adding to mine. I feel its like my own personal sketchbook full of everything that I love and care about along with different artists, blogs, books, music its somewhere that I can also use to document my uni & home art work. 

Anyway.. its lovely doing art work and getting everything ready for a completely different 2012. I need to tidy my room so bad, its a horrible case of "No, I'll do it later" and "TOMORROW".. However tomorrow will indeed be 2012, and ending/starting a year in a clean room will mean more space to mess it up prepping my art work. Wish me luck! 


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