Safe to say I let the table cloth dry over night, didn't look at it throughout the day to give my mind a rest plus I was in the studio all day. 
However, when I came back and whipped it out from the scrummpled mess on my floor (it was neat, although the morning came and I lost a vital t-shirt for the days outfit. Yet again, Pre Planning) I wasn't happy with the overall look it was empty, dull and was just lacking everything that the work I had been producing had. I decided that I would tackle the issue head on and got on with the task of finding a new colour.. IMPOSSIBLE. 
So using my sheer knowledge I decided the ol'gravy browning would maybe work.. Thinking back maybe pre-testing it would have been a clever idea. whatever. 
I mixed the ink and water and added quite a bit of the gravy browning and it made this rich and everything I could ask and dream for colour.. WAHOO. Off I printed. 


Before & After - The pattern is so much stronger now within the table cloth and stands out for itself rather than getting lost within the depths of the white space. 

I am really happy with this result overall and think it has the perfect balance of soft undertones of 'previous' and 'old' looking marks and the fresh and bold new ones that tie together my whole project. WAHOOOOOO. I think that this as my final piece works so well and I am going to look it again and see if a couple more marks could be added but overall HERE IS MY FINISHED PIECE FOR THE TRASH PROJECT.

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