Whilst on the course one of our lectures each week on digital media, basically learning photoshop basics. 
Its not my favorite but thats only because doing my photography A-Level I learnt it all, so I dunno probably being really snobby and just not caring because I am thinking I am big & clever? 
Anyway the brief is to create a blog, poster or leaflet on a notorious celebrity.. People came through my mind like Charlie Sheen, Amy Winehouse.. I want to do someone that had and is in the public eye right now. 
I ended up choosing Liam Gallagher. Blah. Typical Manchester kid. Choosing some stereotypical mancunian with an attitude as bad as his hair. BLAH. 
But hey ho. I like Pretty Green, Oasis, Beady Eye. ANYWAY. I am enjoying developing my mini sketchbook on Liam. 
I chose to do my poster on Beady Eye and create a gig poster. I felt like using my media work from A-Level I could use the tips that I learnt from that, I feel that maybe a little cheating. TOTES DIFFERENT THOUGH. 

I decided to look at gig photos that professionals had taken to get a more intimate portrait of Beady Eye and encorporate their logo. I also feel that I could use the photos to create a 'live sessions album' poster or a gig poster like I was originally planning. 
I still have a lot of work to do on them to finish and create a quality final piece. 

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